Wednesday, July 13, 2011

St. Martins, New Brunswick

Today we really experienced the Bay of Fundy here in St. Martins, a tiny town right on the Bay. First we found a campground on the Bay, and then we went to the "harbor" here. There were five boats tied up to the docks, so it's not much of a harbor. We first saw them at high tide, and then again at low tide six hours later. What a difference those six hours made. By low tide the boats were resting on the ground, and not even the best sea captain would have been able to move them! The tide changes over 55 feet between low and high tide! Be sure to check out the pictures!

We drove up to the Fundy Trail which runs on the ridge beside the bay, and is something like a short version of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The trail is about 10 miles long with a road for cars and a trail for hikers and bikes. We got on our bikes and started down the trail, stopping along the way at all the lookouts to see the Bay. It was really difficult to tell where the water ended and the sky began because they blended together. After a couple of miles the path got too steep for old bikers like us, so we rode back to get the RV and continued on the trail in a little more comfort.

Later, at low tide, we went to a place in St. Martins called The Caves which are only visible when the tide goes out. It is truly amazing how much bigger the beach gets when the tide is out! As we walked on rocks that had a few hours earlier been underwater, we saw lots of seaweed which reminded me of the awful dulce we tried to eat yesterday! We looked in the tide pools, but saw nothing other than snails, barnacles, and seaweed.

Tomorrow we're headed to Fundy National Park to do more of the same!

More pictures here!

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